Brazilian Cherry Hardwood Floors Offer Exotic Luxury and Durability
Those striking qualities, along with its durability, make the Brazilian Cherry an appealing choice for homeowners who want a combination of strength and visual interest for their flooring.
Some things to know about Brazilian Cherry flooring
Name: Brazilian Cherry actually is not from the cherry wood species. It got its moniker because of its reddish appearance. It’s also frequently referred to as Jatoba, Guapinol or Hymenaea courbaril, in reference to the tree from which it originates.
Qualities: In addition to its wide variety of reddish and orange tones, the Brazilian Cherry has a medium to slightly coarse texture, which adds to its interesting qualities. The grain flows in an equally intriguing pattern. Many homeowners especially appreciate the way the tones of the wood deepen over time.
Origins: South America.
Janka Hardness Rating: With a Janka Hardness rating of 2350 out of 4000, the Brazilian Cherry wood is among the top woods on the Janka Hardness scale, which determines how susceptible a wood type is to indentations. The test is conducted with a 2” x 2” x 6” piece of the wood specimen and a steel ball. Results are determined by figuring out how many pounds per square inch of force is required to make the steel ball embed halfway into the piece of wood. Woods at the very top of the scale are usually not considered ideal for home applications because of the difficulty of cutting the wood. On the other ends, woods with low ratings are not as coveted because of their susceptibility to dings, dents and other damage.
Installation: Because of its high density, the Brazilian Cherry can be difficult to saw during installation. Special attention must be paid to planing, sanding, finishing and nailing because of its hardness and multifaceted qualities, according to the National Wood Flooring Association.